General about TF POMELO

In Vietnamese culture, there is a type of fruit that is always presented on the five-fruit tray of the altar every Tet holiday, which is pomelo - a kind of citrus fruit. Pomelo is both delicious and nutritious, depicted as a symbol of perfection and completeness. 

There are 2 main varieties of pomelo  in Vietnam, they are all come from Mekong Delta land - Fruits Land of Vietnam:

  • Nam roi: has a form similar to a pear. When ripe, the center is hollow and the skin is yellow with a rough surface, its flesh is white and its taste has a mixture of sweet and a little of sour.
  • Green skin (Da xanh): The name "Green skin" comes from the characteristics of the fruit that when ripe, the fruit remains green. The skin is usually thin and the center of the fruit is pink. Especially, this pomelo is extremely sweet and juicy, once we keep them into the refrigerator, the taste is better than ever.

Dishes made from pomelo

This heavenly-made pomelo has excellent healthy benefits such as weight loss, easy digestion, and beauty enhancement. Besides, it is also used for processing snacks and drinks like smoothies, juices, jam, or sauce for savory dishes,... that gain Vietnamese people’s love throughout the years.

The most famous among the dishes made from pomelo must be the signature Vietnamese dessert - Che Buoi. With just one teaspoon of this dish, visitors will taste the sweet, creamy, rich childhood flavor, promising to bring your memory back to the golden padding fields, and mid-summer air of the nostalgic Vietnamese village.

Che Buoi

Other than that, Pomelo jam commonly made on Vietnamese New Year's Day is perfect for house owners to serve the homecoming guests. The jam not only has a sweet flavor, but it also has the effect of treating cough and sore throats - a tasteful Vietnamese medicine.

Pomelo Jam - Mut Buoi

Besided that Pomelo is not only fruit for dessert but also has many useful values. 

  • These Vietnamese citrus fruits with a high vitamin C content are very refreshing and can boost your energy in a blink of an eye with just one bite. 
  • From the pomelo flowers to the leaves and pulp, all can be processed to make medicine, delicious and nutritious foods as well as drinks and sweet desserts, which are really loved among Vietnamese cuisines.
  • Vietnamese women used to dry the pomelo skin under the sun, then boiled with hot water and used that boiling water as a shampoo for hair. It is said that the citrus fruit’s peels have the effect of smoothing, untangling, and making your hair look silky and healthy.

#by TFs

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